February 27, 2012

Lovely weekend with Jesse at Zinnia. No I didn't take the class. Tamara wouldn't give me the time-off and made me work. Waaah. I'm kidding. This was definitely Joey's thing and it was cool to see him smile from the inside out. Tamara did it again and magically found a spot that was great for the class at the last minute. Yes, it did look like a great place to make a zombie movie. Anyway... I had the pleasure to attend a dinner at Paul and Joey's for Jesse on Friday. Paul really out did himself and made a lovely vegetarian dinner. It was nice to sit around, eat delicious food and chat with Jesse. I got his self described Tarantino style of storytelling, I was captivated. I had said, (to myself) self, you are only staying until 7:30pm so I can rest up for Saturday. I ended staying until almost 10pm and was inspired to create something. Jesse shared a few details that kind of helped make a full circle around the stories I've heard of Carol Parks and what a wonderful and colorful person she was and how she meant so much to so many. Thanks Jesse for your candid conversation; Shari, Joey, Paul, Tamara and I sat around and asked you a million questions. No lie... he is originally from New Jersey, Tamara asked him if he missed Whitney. He didn't know who that was and it cracked me up. Under my breath I asked him if he knew who Snooki is; thank God he didn't hear me. I giggled.

Okay friends, Zinnia can take a deep breath. It seems as if we have been running around since before Halloween and we have barely stopped. Now it's time to get classes scheduled and start preparing for Spring.


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